Accessibility in your designs

We understand that you want your work to be seen and appreciated by as many people as possible. That’s why it’s important to make sure your designs are accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities.


Here are some best practices in graphic design to make your designs more accessible:

Choose colours carefully: Avoid using colour alone to convey information. Use high-contrast colours: People with visual impairments may have difficulty distinguishing between colours, such as red & green. Using high-contrast colours can make your designs easier to read and understand.

Simplify your graphic designs to ensure they are legible and scalable for all users. This can involve using a limited color palette, reducing the amount of text, and minimizing complex or intricate elements that can be difficult to read or understand.

Use easy to read fonts & font sizes: Fancy fonts may look cool, but they can be difficult to read for people with dyslexia or other visual impairments. Stick to simple, easy-to-read fonts. Selecting clear fonts can be helpful for users with dyslexia or other visual impairments, while adjusting the font size can benefit users with low vision. In printed material, a font that is below 8pt or very light/thin in structure is not recommended.

Use font hierarchy to create a visual structure that makes it easier for users to navigate and scan to find the information they need. By using different font styles, weights, and sizes, you can create a clear hierarchy that guides the user’s eye from the most important information to the supporting details.

Use white space strategically to create a visual hierarchy and improve readability, especially for users with visual impairments. By giving elements of the design more space, you can make them stand out and guide the user’s eye to important information. White space can make the design feel less cluttered and overwhelming, which can be beneficial for users with cognitive or attention-related disabilities.

Use alt text: Alt text is a brief description of an image that is read by screen readers. By adding alt text to your designs, you can ensure that people with visual impairments can still understand the content of your image.

Provide captions and transcripts: If you’re creating a video or audio file, be sure to provide captions or transcripts. This will make your content accessible to people who are deaf or hearing impaired.

Avoid flashing or moving elements: Flashing or moving elements can be problematic for people with epilepsy or other neurological conditions. It’s best to avoid them altogether or use them sparingly.

Use descriptive links: When creating links, use descriptive text instead of generic phrases like “click here.” This will make it easier for people with screen readers to understand where the link will take them.

Test your designs: Finally, it’s important to test your designs with people who have different disabilities. This will give you valuable feedback on how to make your designs more accessible.


Making your graphic designs accessible is an important part of creating inclusive content, and should underpin your design & brand choices. By following these tips, you can ensure that everyone can enjoy your designs, regardless of their abilities.

Remember, accessibility isn’t just a good practice, it’s a human right!